Creating Clinically Integrated Networks for your Population Health win

Creating Clinically Integrated Networks for your Population Health win
As Population Health management moves from Fee-for-Service to Fee-for-Value, or Value-Based Care, we help the patient, provider, and Health System benefit financially and have better outcomes.
Our experience as physicians gives us the edge in designing and operationalizing Clinically Integrated Networks (CINs) which have helped health systems.

Save tens of millions of dollars
We have saved our organization more than 60 million dollars in a 8 year time frame. Your organization, depending on the Benefit spend currently, could save more.

Succeed in risk-based contracts
The physicians and advance practice providers ultimately are the most effective risk managers. Managing the cost of a population requires the most expensive lives be actively managed. We will show you how to identify those lives, and how to teach your clinical staff to lower costs and improve outcomes. The employees win, the system wins, and the providers win. The next group of “risk based contracts” can be entered into with the confidence that your organization can make money with the commercial or government payor.

Strengthen clinician relationships
We have provided a distribution to our clinicians every year. Every provider, especially the Primary Care Providers, spends hours in the office which is uncompensated and un billed for. A portion of the money saved is distributed each year to the participating providers. The providers have the same incentive, same contractual “numbers to hit” as the system. Everyone is on the same page.

Manage medically complex patients
In any Population, the “80/20” rule applies. Eighty percent of the money spent is done so by 20 percent of the lives. We can help you identify those folks who are cost drivers, engage them, and lower the spend for patient and system alike.