Patient Benefits of a Clinically Integrated Network (CIN)

Patient Benefits of a Clinically Integrated Network (CIN)
How does a Clinically Integrated Network benefit patients?
There are many patient benefits of a CIN. The physician-patient relationship is at the heart of our approach. After we have identified a person who could potentially benefit from a closer relationship with their provider, the provider reaches out and engages the patient. Not an insurance company or third party. Because the outreach is physician directed, we get really high meaningful engagement percentages with the patients who have been identified as a cost driver. Even before they have become expensive.
The patient enjoys a closer relationship with their provider and more coordinated care. The physician-patient team is empowered and in almost every case, this partnership realizes better clinical outcomes and lower costs. This targeted case management is almost a “concierge-light” type of medical practice. The patients are excited that their provider has taken such an interest in them, and they have more likely compliance with physical activity, self monitoring, education (especially diabetic education), and recommended therapies. It is this engagement that contributes to improved health, and their financial exposure. This high touch health care has helped reduce turnover in the employee workforce as well.
Managing pharmaceutical costs, durable medical equipment, rehabilitation services and emergency room visits are all potential expenses for the patient. When these are addressed and reduced by this empowered physican patient relationship, the patient saves money, the employer saves money, and the physician-patient-employer team wins. Lower costs, better clinical outcomes, lower employee turnover. What’s not to like?